Martín Andrés Montero



Martín Andrés Montero


Experienced professional in the criminal law field, especially financial-economic criminal law, in which he has intervened as trial lawyer, member of the Advisory Council of the Financial Information Unit, Secretary of National Justice and Penitentiary Affairs, and officer of the National Judicial Branch.

As regards to the professional sphere, he is an associate in Marteau Abogados, law firm focused at influencing the decision-making in transnational economic-financial crimes, providing highly specialized services of strategic advisory, smart litigation, and global consulting.

In particular, he commands the cases related to counseling and legal assistance in matters of compliance and compliance risk mitigation, compliance matrices and institutional transparency, as well as performing as defense attorney and legal representative in litigations of criminal, criminal-administrative and criminal-economic nature, in which individuals or legal entities and their directors require this kind of professional attention.

He has specialized in coordination of working groups with participants of the public and private area, dedicated to dealing with complex regulatory issues linked to the implementation of new requirements referred to the enforcement and compliance of Ley de Responsabilidad Empresarial 27.401 (Corporate Liability Law), Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act (Law 25.246), as well as the design of new processes and application of international recommendations (FATF, GAFILAT, G20, OECD, FCPA’s), with proven success within the obtained results.

In order to intervene in national and federal Argentinian court, he is matriculated in Colegio Público de Abogados de Capital Federal (Public Bar Association of Capital Federal) and in Cámara de Apelaciones de San Martín (San Martín Appeals Chamber).

Professional career developed in criminal-economic scope and that contains, at the same time, 16 years of professional experience in the field of the battle against money laundering and terrorist financing, in prevention and investigation of public and private corruption, developing public and private policies of institutional transparency and good corporate governance.

Member of the Advisory Council of the Financial Information Unit with legal competence in the design and creation of all the regulatory standards issued by the Financial Information Unit of Argentina, relevant and applicable in general and individually to the universe of obligated subjects, established by Federal Argentine Act 25.246, against money laundering and terrorist financing, emphasizing specially in the adequacy of the whole set of rules from Argentina, to the international applicable standards (FATF, GAFILAT, G20, OECD).

Secretary of the National Foundation in Financial Intelligence (FININT), private Argentinian organization specialized in academic work and training of human resources, in terms of the battle against money laundering, terrorist financing, production of mass destruction weapons and other forms of transnational organized crime. Member of the Argentinian American Leadership Network (R.E.A.L), composed by US State Department ex-scholars and an integrator of the expert’s group on Transnational Organized Crime, in the Argentinian Council of International Relationships (C.A.R.I).

Professor of the postgraduate in the grade “Global Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Update Program”, at the Law & Social Sciences School from the University of Buenos Aires.

Acted as the National Secretary of Justice and Penitentiary Affairs, as executive of every judicial and penitentiary policies arranged by the National Presidency.

Coordinator and National Representative for GAFI/FTAF, GAFISUD and CICAD-OEA.

Investigation Director at the Anti-corruption Office of the National Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

Legal Secretary at the 1st Court of the National Criminal and Correctional Federal Chamber of Appeals of Capital Federal.

Graduated as a lawyer at the Law & Political Science of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. In the mentioned university and in Austral University, he fulfilled several specializations in criminal law.

Ex-scholar with the International Visitor Leadership Program (I.V.L.P.) in “Administration of Justice and rule of Law” at the US State Department.

Participated in several dissertations, exhibitions, workshops, as well as he has written several articles and published papers in relation to his specialization.

Dominates Spanish as his native language. For his job, also uses English.